Education is a fundamental right for all children, regardless of gender, all over the world. Girls and boys have the right to go to school to learn and work. Unfortunately, it is different in Afghanistan.
Ask a girl who lives in Afghanistan, “How do you feel that you can’t go to school?
How do you feel that you don’t have the rights that you should have?” These are questions that bring lots of pain to the heart of an Afghanistani girl, and she will answer with a sob that she became a sacrifice for her own country.
I am an Afghanistani girl and I want to share my memories which I had in my golden time.
I was a school student. What nice days that I had. In the morning, I opened my eyes with lots of hope. I had a goal, the goal was going to school. I got up very happy and full of energy. I washed my face and ate my breakfast. I put on my school uniform and took my bag, then I was ready to go to school with my friends. How pleasant it was, when I went inside the school and was greeted by teachers and my classmates.
Now those days are like a dream for me, I had real motivation then. Now, unfortunately, I can’t live those days anymore.
The door of the school closed for me and my friends, I couldn’t go inside and study. Now I can’t go to my classes. In the mornings, I don’t open my eyes with happiness and with a goal. It has been about five years that I am at home with no special activity. Some days I study, or read story books, or I sit and write the good days that I had on paper. Sometimes, when I see my school uniform, I feel a deep longing to wear it again and go to school just like before.
It is so hard to have many dreams and hopes, but watch yourself drift farther and farther away from them every day. These years have passed, and I remain here with my unfulfilled dreams. I’m afraid. I’m afraid that I will disappoint my dreams. I had a strong will, but I fear that the obstacles, which break me down and push me farther from my dreams, will weaken my determination. I pray to God to give the girls of Afghanistan enough strength and courage to rise above these difficult circumstances with pride and achieve their dreams and aspirations.
Life without a goal is so hard and the Afghanistani girls are enduring this hard period with a hope, a hope for tomorrow and for the future. Maybe one day all the girls of Afghanistan can learn and work without prejudice, and all the girls can achieve their goals and go to school again.
– ‘Leila’