Associazione Solidarieta’ Donne per le Donne attended the annual event of Participazione which was conducted in Rome on the 11th and 12th of Nov, 2022. This program was arranged for all the integrated associations to present their projects funded by Participazione that was collaborated with Intersos and UNHCR. There were ten associations in total that received funding from Participazione and presented their projects, which ASDD being one of them.

On the first day, the program began with a video presenting the activities of the Participazione in 2022 and introducing the associations funded by this program. Then, with the presence of some of the authorities and UNHCR in a panel, a conversation on Refugee Integration took place. in the afternoon, the following 10 associations, which are funded by the Participazione, were granted space to present their projects:


2. The Association for Cultural Origins

3. Associazione Sotto 2 Canelli Baobab

4. Gustamundo 5. Il Grande Colibri 6. Donne dell’Est

7. Mosessual Sardo Movement

8. Help UA kids with APS.


10. Italian Union Apolidi

Associazione Di Solidarieta’ Donne for le Donne presented their project, which had a seven-month time frame from May to November 2022 as part of this project, ASDD was officially registered and the inauguration ceremony was taken place. Training on the Happy Family Program for Afghan Refugees was held both in person and online as part of this initiative. In addition, the technical launch of the website and other social media sites were promoted. There were 40 direct beneficiaries(female) and 80 indirect beneficiaries (20 male and 60 female).

on 12th Nov, the Community Outreach Volunteers initiative presented its activities.  After that, the participants were divided into different groups to receive information and exchange ideas on women’s empowerment, fundraising & communication, and advocacy.

In the end, assessment forms were distributed, and participants also provided oral feedback.

Published On: November 15th, 2022 / Categories: Social Media /